Illustrated Book: "Once Upon a Time (and Still) Vitória"

"Once Upon a Time (and Still) Vitória" is the first children's and young adult book about the history of Vitória de Guimarães.

At the heart of Vimaranense's sports narrative lies "Once Upon a Time (and Still) Vitória". This book, much more than a compilation of facts, is an emotive and visual journey through the fabric of the club and the city. Each page, meticulously illustrated, transports us to iconic moments, weaving the rich history of Vitória with the memories of those who lived it.

It all begins on October 22, 1986: the boy (Daniel) who, led by the hand of his Father (and Grandfather, António), saw Vitória for the first time in that epic match, is the same one who, a few pages later, appears taking his daughter, little Eugénia, to D. Afonso Henriques Stadium. Within this family framework, the century-old history of Vitória unfolds: foundation, stadiums, players, anthems, kits, colors, and fans, in an elegant dance between times and generations.

Regarding its creation, the book stands as a testament to local passion. Born from the collaboration of two Vimaranense creators – Catarina Peixoto, with her art (editing, layout, and illustration) and Paulo César Gonçalves, with his words – it was brought to life thanks to the support of local entities and the commitment of Vitória. The result? A work that doesn't just tell the history of soccer but celebrates the city, its inhabitants, and the unbreakable bond between them and the club.

ClientIndependent Edition with support from various institutions, including VSCPressJornal “O Minho” – “Era (e é) uma vez o Vitória” cona a história aos mais novos; Jornal “Record” – Livro sobre o Vitória apresentado; Jornal “O Jogo” – Jogadores do Vitória divulgam livro; VSC – Livro “Era (e é) uma vez o Vitória” chegou às lojas”; Year2022ServiceBook publication, layout and illustrationTextPaulo César GonçalvesShopPhysical Stores: 9 Séculos, Bazar Moderno;