A, B, C…

In the pages of this art book, the alphabet is presented from a perspective never before explored. A creative adventure led to the exploration of a multitude of techniques and experiments, employing a diversity of shapes, colors, materials, and textures to create a distinctive visual impact.

Each letter goes beyond its basic form and becomes a piece composed of everyday objects, transformed and recontextualized: crushed eggshells, original compositions with CDs, recycled clothing, and tights. More than mere blotches on paper, each of these representations challenges the reader to look beyond the surface and uncover its true composition.

This project is a testament to uniqueness and commitment to sustainability—each volume is a manifesto of originality, with each copy of the limited edition composed of reused materials. To leaf through this book is a singular experience; an invitation to a dialogue between the abstract and the tangible, a new way of perceiving the alphabet.

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